
Did you travel from Ireland to the UK to access abortion care (2008-2018*)?

23 August 2022

Can you or someone you know help with my study? I am conducting interviews to examine the lived experience of, and emotional impact on, people who have travelled for abortion care as part of my PhD. My research focus is on people who travelled from Ireland to the UK between 2008 and 2018* to seek termination of pregnancies. It incorporates my own experience of travel for cross-border abortion care. Interviews will last for 1 hour and can take place online or by phone.


Ethical approval

This study was approved by the University of Cambridge Sociology department ethics committee on 20/05/2021

About the researcher

I am a Sociology PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge. I am originally from Dublin, Ireland. This research is funded by the ESRC.

*Note: 2008 - 2018 is a guide but should you have travelled outside these dates and wish to take part I would still really like to speak to you.

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