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Introducing Groups and Noticeboards

20 April 2018

Since the beginning of Call for Participants, we have believed that universities play an important role in enabling researchers to best do their work. Today we are officially announcing two of our products that make it even easier for them to do so.

Meet the Group and Noticeboard

Groups and Noticeboards are two similar products on the CfP platform that are targeted for different levels within a university and do three things:

  1. provide a bundle of discounted Study Page credits to researchers
  2. collect the Study Pages published using these credits
  3. promote the university and its departments to the general public taking part in research

So what's the difference?


A group is meant for schools, departments, faculties, and research groups within a university. This means that the owner of the group can easily specify who of the university's overall researcher population can access this Group's Study Page credits.


A noticeboard caters for the whole university population. Anyone with that university's email address can access the study credits and it requires no administration - everything is done automatically.

If you are a researcher and wish for your university to provide you access to the Call for Participants service, speak to your research support staff and tell them about these products.

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Group Noticeboard

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Call For Participants' mission is to provide a secure and trusted connection between researchers and participants, helping to increase public engagement and build a community of individuals interested in sharing and contributing to academic research. Learn more