
Over, Above, Under and Below: What do these words mean?

11 February 2014

I'm IN love.

I’m IN the other room.

She's IN grad school.

What does IN mean in these examples? Is the meaning the same in each sentence?

I’m interested in finding out how people group examples of four different words: OVER, UNDER, ABOVE and BELOW. If you participate, you'll spend approximately 10 minutes completing an online sentence-sorting task. You'll be given a set of sentences, each containing one of these words, and you'll be asked to sort them into groups based on the meaning of that word.

It's straightforward, and so far participants have found it interesting and stimulating. If you're aged 18+ and you're a native speaker of British English, please click below to participate.


Ethical approval

The study has ethics clearance from the Faculty of Art, Design and Social Sciences at Northumbria University.

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