Red Hen Recipes- Rewriting the Online Recipe from "Seed to Fork"
22 September 2014
Red Hen Recipes is a user-generated recipe website that allows supports people in tracing a single ingredient from where it was grown to how it was cooked and eaten. If you participate you will fill out a short registration survey (15 mins) and use the online software to create a Red Hen Recipe- this might mean anything from visiting a farmers' market or farm, growing herbs on a balcony, to cooking in the kitchen. If you are a commercial producer this project allows you to explain where your produce comes from and share this with a wider audience. What you do is up to you and the researcher will provide support and guidance should you need it. To explore your experience in creating your recipe there are two options: a single interview with the researcher or a fifteen minute survey. If you are available for interview, afternoon tea will be provided and the interview conducted around your availability. The study aims to explore how technology can be used to support people in learning more about the food system. Thanks for taking an interest in this research.
Ethical approval
This study has received approval by the UTS (University of Technology, Sydney) Human Research Ethics Committee (Ref no. 2013000702).