
Comparison of design thinking through the act of sketching & mental imagery

16 December 2014

The interplay between the role of sketching and mental imagery during the design process is speculated but remains unknown. The pilot study attempts to demystify the interplay, backed up with empirical evidence.

The study involves 2 fun sessions and one month apart. Each session will last about an hour. Open for a chat before committing to the experiments. Schedule is also flexible, at your convenience.
Confirmation via email will be sent once you are agree, kindly follow the steps.


Ethical approval

Ethics approval has been obtained from the University of Nottingham (China campus) ethics committee, on May 16th 2014.

About the researcher

Researcher: Mia A. Tedjosaputro. Find me on the university's email system if you want to drop some questions.

Contact researcher


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