
AND-PD (Anxiety with or without Depressive Features in Parkinson's disease)

04 March 2025

We want to find out what the risk factors and associated clinical features are for anxiety in people with Parkinson’s disease. The eventual aim will be to identify targets to help design therapies to improve anxiety in Parkinson’s. We also would like to see if patterns of anxiety and depression differ in people with and without Parkinson’s. Finally, we would like to see if there are structural or functional brain differences between people who have Parkinson’s and those who do not.


  • • You are a healthy individual
  • • You experience anxiety
  • • You are aged between 40 and 89 years old
  • • You do not have a diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease

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Ethical approval

The study obtained Health Research Authority (HRA) and Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW).

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Academic study

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