
Meditation for Poor Sleep and Stress/Trauma

04 March 2025

Have you experienced a stressful or traumatic event that still causes you distress? Do you have trouble sleeping? We are recruiting volunteers for a research study on the effects of meditation on poor sleep and stressor/trauma-related symptoms.

You will visit UCL four times over 10 weeks, complete surveys, listen to online guided meditations for 8 weeks, complete daily surveys, and complete a follow-up survey. During the study, you will wear an at-home sleep polysomnography device two nights.


  • Please complete a short survey on Qualtrics to see if you are eligible:
  • Eligibility requirements: Age 18-35, trouble falling or staying asleep, experienced a stressful or traumatic event that continues to distress you, NOT currently in counselling/therapy, do NOT meditate once or more per month, have reliable daily access to the Internet
  • Please note these are not the only criteria and you will need to undergo a telephone screening to confirm you are eligible to take part.

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Ethical approval

This study has been approved by the University College London Research Ethics Committee (ethics ID: 26303.002).

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Academic study

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