Short Virtual Reality Study
01 January 2025
We would like to invite you to participate in an exciting VIRTUAL REALITY STUDY investigating how people learn about the relation between situations and events in their environment. We will ask you to complete a questionnaire before your session and, during your visit, we will record your movements and body responses to the virtual reality scenarios.
- In order to participate in this study, you must meet a number of study requirements. You must be able to answer YES to ALL the following questions:
- I am able to attend a 60-min session at Queen Square London.
- I am aged between 18 and 50 years of age.
- I have normal or corrected to normal vision.
- I have normal hearing.
- I am not pregnant.
- My movement abilities are not impaired in any way.
- My vision is not impaired or can be corrected with glasses/ lenses
- I am healthy with no history of neurological, psychiatric or mental health conditions.
- I have good written and spoken English.
- If you are interested in participating, we will email you with more information.
- PLEASE ENSURE YOUR UK MOBILE NUMBER IS INCLUDED AND REACHABLE. WE WILL CALL/MESSAGE the day before testing to confirm you can still make your time slot.
Ethical approval
This study has been approved by the UCL Research Ethics Committee
About the researcher
Bachlab Study. We are recruiting on Sona too, so if you have already signed up to one of our previous studies you will not be eligible